Bob the Toucan (Corvus Tucanus) hatched from an egg in September 2005, and was adopted later by the Tukaani project.

Bob the Toucan — Copyright © 2005, 2006 Ville Koskinen

Bob the Toucan and related logos are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 Finland license.

The font used in the logos is Domestic Manners. It was made by Dustin Norlander and is licensed under GNU GPL version 2 or later. The home page of the font seems to be gone, so here is a copy of the original .zip file:

Bob’s head

32x32 64x64 128x128

Tukaani logo

120x60 240x120 360x180 480x240

tukaani 234x60 left


tukaani 234x60 right
